With everything ‘tracked’ separately, and often multiple times, you afford yourself uninhibited creativity as a composer behind the boards.
HBO Max’s ‘The Little Things’ is all bill, no bite.
‘The Little Things’ gets exponentially dumber with each passing minute.
‘The Suicide Squad’ is a re-run.
Director James Gunn doesn’t seem to know whether the story exists to set up the jokes, or the jokes exist to set up the story.
Not-wild Idea, Woodstock: Assault is 100% the fault of the assailant.
A new HBO Max documentary spotlights the insidious nature of one of our most elementary thoughts — and the conjunction that inspired it.
Documentarians, affirm present consent with old footage — especially if there’s nudity.
That a film stands against sexual assault speaks little if at all to the assault of using unblurred footage to which women would no longer consent.
‘Thief’ on HBO Max is a foundation and a capstone for Mann.
Mann is a cops-and-robbers philosopher with a camera…
Space tours might soften Jeff Bezos.
Jeff “union buster” Bezos meets his Kubrickian monolith.
‘The Witch’ could stand to trim some fat off this sacrifice.
Horror continues to be the right move if you want to add heat to the existing Salem-story kettle, but there’s almost no anxious ecstasy, here.
‘Fear Street 1994’ lights a trilogy with a wink and a stab.
For a movie to be this tight, focused, and impactful is a rarity that always deserves celebration — even weekly.
‘Joker’ is its best self on HBO Max.
‘Joker’ is a corrective film, undoing the character’s magnetism in ‘The Dark Knight’ and condemning anarchism in the most damning of ways for young men: it makes them look weak.