For a movie to be this tight, focused, and impactful is a rarity that always deserves celebration — even weekly.
‘Joker’ is its best self on HBO Max.
‘Joker’ is a corrective film, undoing the character’s magnetism in ‘The Dark Knight’ and condemning anarchism in the most damning of ways for young men: it makes them look weak.
Frank Ocean, giving credit where credit’s due: “the Melody Allusion”
Frank lifts an occasional melody as if by flutter.
Money is not necessary for economies to work — we are.
Universal Basic Income, and what the distant future inevitably holds for developed-world workers.
The election lawsuits are finally over. I’m going to blame a map.
A few Americans’ bad idea ages ago need not be the standard.
Dine-in tonight: ‘Coherence’ is a sci-fi horror delight streaming on Hulu and Prime.
‘Coherence’ seems to play chemistry in a part of your brain that’s reserved for existential stretching — which, for most of us goes unmoved — and it tugs.
‘Drag Me to Hell’ on Peacock is fun for most of the family.
Jesus spoke not a word about Hell, so the filmmakers had to mad-lib some things — but the end result is a popcorn-munching blast.
The story of Janet Jackson’s ‘Rhythm Nation 1814’ — the greatest feat in pop music history.
This March, the Library of Congress announced it was adding the album its registry — an overdue honor.
Flies are just flies again, and Mike Pence isn’t a demon.
GOP Conspiracy theorists once said flies’ landing on Obama and Hilary proved they were demons — where are the pitchforks for Pence?
The Postmaster General and ‘Passive Voice’: obscuring the obvious.
The testimony that Postmaster General Louis DeJoy delivered to the United States Senate in August cleverly obscured absurdity.